Sunday, April 09, 2006


如果不喜歡複雜的繪圖軟體 有個 阿 Q 先生特別將他小畫家的武功秘笈貢獻給大家


對於不喜歡 Photoshop 圖層概念的人 小畫家功能雖少可是也是可以做很多效果喔

Ultimate Boot CD

Do you forget password on your windows box ?

Or you may need some diagnostic tools into one bootable CD.

Ultimate Boot CD can match your need!

Saturday, April 08, 2006


SSL-Explorer is a web-based SSL VPN server and is provided by 3SP Ltd.

You can download GPL version at SourceForge web.

You can install SSL-Explorer on Microsoft Windows XP/2000/2003 and Red Hat Linux 8.0.

It can support Active Directory authentication and UNIX authentication, or you can use Built-in database authentication if you want to manage accounts by yourself.

Monday, April 03, 2006

The first blog!

I would like write something about computer technology in this blog.